19. The information to be provided under paragraph 1 of section 18 concerning the aquatic organisms cultivated, raised or kept in captivity must be entered for each species according to number or weight and size or age category, and pertains to(1) all the supplies, stating for each of them(a) the genetic line or strain;
(b) the name and address of the supplier;
(c) the date of receipt; and
(d) the name and address of the carrier;
(2) the production of seeds, eggs, spats, cuttings, rhizomes, stolons or tubers and the eggs or spats harvested or the number of collectors used for that purpose and the date on which they were put into or removed from the water;
(3) the inventories of the aquatic organisms, including each inventory date;
(4) in the case of an aquaculture licence, the sales, including their date and, for wholesale sales, the name and address of each purchaser, the shipping date and the intended purposes for which the aquatic organisms are to be used;
(5) in the case of a fishing pond licence, the fish caught by fishers on each day of operation; and
(6) any massive loss of the aquatic organisms, including the date and cause of the event and the disposal method and site.